Overlord is an adaptation of the same name light novel series. The novel is written by Kugane Maruyama. In 2010, he gave the rights of the novel and its illustrations for adaptations. So far, he has published 14 volumes and aims for 3 more.
However, in case the popularity remains intact he could continue the story. Hugin Miyama and Satoshi Oshio turned the scripts into magma in 2014. Madhouse turned the same into an anime television series and rolled out three seasons each with 13 episodes. Overlord is a popular series and has garnered huge accolades for the storyline and illustrations.
Will There Ever Be Overlord Season 4?
After the production of the first three series, there has been so far no news about the upcoming volume. However, we heard through a grapevine that the fourth edition of Overlord is in the making and the Sequel is ‘extremely likely’ says scriptwriter – Kugane Maruyama’s Overlord light novel series ending with Volume 17.
As discussed above, 14 volumes are already published by the writer, out of which, 9 volumes are released as anime by Madhouse. As far as the script is concerned, there are five volumes yet to be released in the form of anime. Talking about the popularity of the Overload series, the first three series were a huge hit.
The social media followers on Overlord pages are also good in numbers. Alongside the rumors speculating the fourth edition release are in the buzz for a long time. Calculative-ly, the production house has got all the reasons to start the fourth part of the series. For now, there is no latest information regarding Overlord season 4 till now, but in case of any information, we would be the first one to inform.
What Would Be The Storyline of Overlord Season 4?
Overlord series 1 to series 3 has covered 9 volumes out of 14. This means the fourth part of Overlord will begin from the 10th volume and it might continue till the 17th if that would be the last.
In the first series of Overlord, a human child named Momonga gets extracted in a video game, MMORPG video. Now, instead of controlling the central character of the game, he becomes the central character named Ainz. He enters a world dominated by Yggdrasil. Ainz becomes a necromancer and overrules Yggdrasil. By the end of the third series, Ainz rules his kingdom and saves everyone against evil.
In the fourth edition of Overlord, Volume 10 will entail rivals of Ainz’s kingdom with whom Aniz will have to fight and save his people and his throne.