Baki is a manga series based on martial arts anime that premiered on Netflix in 2018. The development of Baki drives us back to 1991 when the first volume of Baki: The Grappler published. The creator of the series is Keisuke Itagaki. The plot of the show revolves around the character Baki Hanma. He is a teenage martial artist and wants to defeat his father Yujiro. Baki’s father is the strongest creature alive.
Netflix has released two series with the name Baki. However, in 2020, the same OTT platform released Baki Hanma: The Great Raitai Tournament. The same gave birth to the speculations of releasing Baki season 4 on Netflix.
Will Baki Ever Release Season 4?
Netflix released the official trailer of Baki season 4 by the name of Baki Hanma: Son of Ogre in 2020. Since then, there has been no development regarding the release date at Netflix’s end. However, IMDb spoke about the speculations revolving around the release date and anticipated that Baki Hanma: Son of Ogre might come out in 2021. We are Halfway through the year and yet there is no announcement hence we are assuming that either the show might hit by the end of 2021 or towards the beginning of 2022. We haven’t received any confirmed news yet but once it is out we would be the first one to inform.
The plot of Baki Season 4
In the upcoming edition of Baki season 4, Baki would be seen sharpening his skills by fighting his nemesis and rivals to prepare himself for the great battle against his father, Yujiro. Well, this is just scratching the surface. We are sure that there would be a lot more than the fans have ever expected.